Footwell Lights
Created by Fredrik Andersen - Wednesday, Augsut 31 2016, 14:10:51

This retrofit fits the following models:
Audi A3 8P Hatchback (2003 - 2013)
Audi A3 8P Sportback (2004 - 2013)
Footwell lights was properly another retrofit I did promise myself to never waste money and time to do. I didn't know what project to start with and I found a good price for a complete kit, the retrofit however did end much more expensive.I started by purchasing a complete front and rear kit from China, which looked OEM. The seller promised me that it was not LED but once received I figured out that it was LED, which only works for A3 2010 facelift and on. At the same time the plug is not a 100% fint in older BCM models.
I was now in a situation where I just wanted to get the footwell lights, so I found the user RobinA3 on who creates and sells complete kits. He sells kits for both front, rear and also puddle and warning lights - I bought it all.
1 hour for front seats installation.2 hours for front and back seats installation.
Installation & Guide
1. Is your BCM support footwell lights?Start with conencting a VCDS cable to your car and check "09 Cent. Elect." to see which part number you have installed.
I have this part number installed: 8P0 907 279 K. It was installed once retrofitting the fog lights.
Note: I am not sure which BCM models that supports the footwell lights, you can however also go into "09 Cent. Elect. > Long Coding" and check the different bytes to see if the option is there.
2. Purchase of cable kit and lamps.
I would at any time recommend you to purcase the full set fra RobinA3 at You should of course also make some thoughts about if you want only front or front and rear footwell lights.
3. Installation
Follow below guide if needed
3. Coding
- Front Seats
- Rear Seats
1. 09-Cent. Elect.2. Coding - 07
3. Long Coding Helper
4. Byte 20
5. Enable Bit 0
- Other coding options for the footwell lights
When you open the door the footwell lights will start. When you shut the door again the light will go off. You can however change the setup so the lights are on when driving and you can also change the brightness using VCDS or through your instrument.
Part numbers + Price
4x Lamps | 8E0 947 101 | RobinA3 |
Cable kit | - | RobinA3 |
After agreement with RobinA3 I will not mention any prices to this retrofit as his pricing may go up and down and might change depending on how many of your retrofit kits you purchase.